Tuesday, June 28, 2011

American Pride??????

More evidence of people not showing respect for their country and what America should stand for. There was a recent case in California soccer game where the Mexico team was playing the USA team. During the national anthem people were booing and yelling. This is America and during the national anthem you should be quite and respectful. Like I always say if you don't like it LEAVE! This country is going down hill fast people do not want to fight for it you have people disrespecting the American flag. If you come to the US do it legally and assimilate. I hope and pray that things turn around but sadly I do not think it will happen.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Where is America Going?

This blog is for me to figure out where America is headed? From all of the latest news and media coverage it is not going in the right direction. We have a radical Liberal President and we have illegals crossing the border in droves and literally getting away with murder in this country. Not to mention all of the fighting in states on ways to become more "Sharia compliant", which means to follow Muslim laws. This is not the middle east this is America we do not need to have Sharia laws nor do we have to follow them. If the Muslims in this country want to be Americans and live in America they need to become more "American compliant". For example look at this link and see why this is troubling, http://www.aim.org/aim-column/did-muslim-lobby-force-firing-of-popular-radio-host/. In this country we have freedom of speech, or at least we use to. More and more it seems like the current administration in Washington DC is trying to take more and more of our freedoms away from us. Obama is a liberal president with 'Socialist' ideas and that is troubling to me. The web and the 'truthful' media is full of examples where we try to bend over backwards so that we do not offend any one, except Christian Americans, you can offend us all you want and it is ok. Well I am here to say that is not ok. I know that some out there will agree with me and others will not, well guess what it is that freedom of speech we have, at least for now. That is all I have to say for now more later.